Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nail Fungus From the Mayo Clinc

Are wondering what the best ways to prevent yellow toenail fungus is? So were we! We looked at different medical websites to see if there were common themes among them to share. Here are some of the top tips to prevent yellow nail fungus from happening to you. This isn't just for athletes or people that go to the gym, these are things that everyone should be cognitive of and try to maintain.

Tips For Preventing Yellow Nail Fungus:
• Keep your nails clean, short and dry. When you cut your nails, go straight across. Make sure after bathing, to dry between your toes and use a powder to help.
• Wear socks. This will also help with foot odor if you didn't know.
• Wear rubber gloves if your hands are exposed to moisture all day.
• Don't go barefoot in public places. If you're at the gym, public pool or other common areas, make sure you wear proper footwear.
• Yellow nail fungus can spread nail to nail! Make sure you wash your hands after touching an infected nail.


  1. thanks for the tips.. prevention is better than cure remember that..

    to know more on how to treat a yellow toenail..
    you can check this out:
    how to treat yellow toenail

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